About Me...

I'm Christopher Shawn Werner, creator of this site, and this is my designed web. I graduated from West Chester University of Pennsylvania, with a degree in Computer Science. I also completed a Web Tech Minor and a Computer Security and Information Assurance Certificate certified by the NSA. After graduation I accepted a Software Engineering position with Lockheed Martin at Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory. After about a year of doing that I was selected for Lockheed Martin's Leadership Development Program. Through that I did various projects around the company while completing my Master's degree from Rensselaer. I've now moved into an Information Assurance Engineering position.

Potential Employers / Clients...

Please take a look at my Resume page. This page has a rundown of my specialties, experience, and areas of interest. A copy of my current resume can also be downloaded from that page.


I'm a... Software Engineer / Web Programmer / Web Designer / Security Consultant / Thinker.


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